People get married with the dreams of “Together Forever” in their eyes. However, marriage is a crooked path, and it takes efforts from both sides to make the journey smooth. Sometimes, people in marriage are not happy, and decide to end their marriage vows with a divorce. If I need to put an end to my marriage, I need a divorce lawyer near me who can assist with the remedies available. The legal options are different in contrasting scenarios, and for husband and wife. To understand the best approach, consultation with an advocate for divorce in India is preferable.

Divorce Lawyers in India

Marriage may seem a quick act when two people decide to spend the rest of their lives together. However, the laws governing marriages are complex. Religious as well as secular laws provide for who can legally marry, and in what circumstances divorce may be granted. For such legal complexities, parties need divorce advocates to assist them. If it is mutual consent divorce, divorce lawyers in India take care of the procedural formalities. On the other hand, if it is contested divorce, a lawyer for divorce has to prove one of the grounds for divorce based on applicable laws, which is a tough nut to crack. A wife may want a lady divorce lawyer to represent her, while the husband may be wary that his interests should be genuinely conveyed before the Court. Thus, the importance of the best advocate for divorce is paramount for your case.

How can I find a divorce lawyer near me?

If you need a lawyer for divorce in your city, you may ask friends or acquaintances for help to get you connected with a matrimonial lawyer. Online Legal Query can help you with finding legal experts for divorce in your city. All you need to do is to seek an appointment with one of the divorce advocates mentioned below. The divorce lawyers at OLQ and OLE provide legal consultation as well as representation in the longer run, addressing the specific facts and advising accordingly.

Role of Advocate for Divorce in India

Marriages are considered a sacred union in India. When a couple decides to part ways, everyone around them seeks reconciliation while relooking at their decision. Even the Courts and the statutory procedure gives divorcing couples many chances to reconsider their marital bond. The role of divorce lawyers in India is to make the couple understand the vast consequences of a divorce. If I as a party am determined to end my marriage, divorce lawyer near me would suggest that I go for amicable means for dissolving my marriage through a mutual consent divorce, especially if I am the husband. Divorce advocates often help their clients during the mediation process as well. If nothing helps, they represent their clients before the Court arguing based on specific facts. The role of divorce lawyers in India is to further the interests of their clients, whether they wish to continue their marriage or just end the burden, whether mutually or through contested divorce.

Divorce Lawyer Fees in India

There is no fixed criteria for deciding the advocate fees for divorce. The more experienced a matrimonial lawyer is, the higher fees he/she may charge. The more complex facts of the case are, the higher fees may be levied for divorce cases. If you also need a lawyer for domestic violence along with other aspects like divorce, maintenance, dowry, etc., you may need to pay more. However, there are pro bono lawyers as well whom people in financial distress may contact. The lawyers for divorce at Online Legal Query have minimal consultation fee, and some of them also provide free legal advice. After consultation with divorce lawyers at OLQ, parties can decide to proceed with their legal options.